



戦闘サイトは大きく分けて2種類あり、1つは艦船に標準搭載されているオンボードスキャナーで自動検知されるCombat Anomaly(戦闘アノマリー。通称「アノマリ」)、もう一つはスキャンプローブを用いて特定するCombat Signature(戦闘シグネチャ)です。
また、戦闘シグネチャにはUnratedと呼ばれるものとDED Rated(DED)と呼ばれるものがあります。


海賊勢力 出現領域
High/Low Null
Angel Cartel Minmatar領(Heimatar, Metropolis, Molden Heath) Null南部・南東部(Impass, Feythabolis, Omist, Tenerifis, Immensea, Curse, Scalding Pass, Wicked Creek, Detorid, Insmother, Great Wildlands, Cache)
Blood Raiders Amarr領西部(Aridia, Genesis, Kador, Khanid, Kor-Azor, The Bleak Lands) Null南西部(Delve, Querious, Period Basis)
Guristas Pirates Caldari領(Black Rise, Lonetrek, The Citadel, The Forge) Null北部(Tenal, Branch, Venal, Deklein, Pure Blind, Geminate, Vale of the Silent, Tribute)
Sansha's Nation Amarr領東部(Derelik, Devoid, Domain, Tash-Murkon) Null南部(Stain, Paragon Soul, Esoteria, Catch, Providence)
Serpentis Gallente領(Essence, Everyshore, Placid, Sinq Laison, Solitude, Verge Vendor) Null北西部(Fade, Outer Ring, Cloud Ring, Syndicate, Fountain)
Rogue Drones 全領域 Null北東部(いわゆるドローンリージョン)(Etherium Reach, The Spire, Outer Passage, Malpais, The Kalevala Expanse, Perrigen Falls, Oasa, Cobalt Edge)及び全領域





クラス 海賊勢力 Rogue Drone
1 (Faction) <Level> Hideaway(隠れ家) Drone Cluster(ドローン星団)
2 (Faction) Burrow(退避所) Drone Collection(ドローンコレクション)
3 (Faction) Refuge(避難所) Drone Assembly(ドローンアセンブリ)
4 (Faction) <Level> Den(アジト) Drone Gathering(ドローン結集地)
5 (Faction) Yard(庭) Drone Surveillance(ドローン調査)
6 (Faction) <Level> Rally Point(結集地) Drone Menagerie(ドローンの集団)
7 (Faction) Port(ポート) Drone Herd(ドローンの群れ)
8 (Faction) <Level> Hub(拠点) Drone Squad(ドローンスクアッド)
9 (Faction) Haven(たまり場) Drone Patrol(ドローンパトロール)
10 (Faction) Sanctum(聖所) Drone Horde(ドローンの大群)
  • クラス1 “Hideaway”
  • クラス4 “Den”
  • クラス6 “Rally Point”
  • クラス8 “Hub”


1 2 3 4
(無印) Hidden(秘密の) Forsaken(見捨てられた) Forlorn(荒廃した)


クラス Angel Blood Guristas Sansha Serpentis Rogue Drone
1 Angel Hideaway Blood Hideaway Guristas Hideaway Sansha Hideaway Serpentis Hideaway Drone Cluster
Angel Hidden Hideaway Blood Hidden Hideaway Guristas Hidden Hideaway Sansha Hidden Hideaway Serpentis Hidden Hideaway
Angel Forsaken Hideaway Blood Forsaken Hideaway Guristas Forsaken Hideaway Sansha Forsaken Hideaway Serpentis Forsaken Hideaway
Angel Forlorn Hideaway Blood Forlorn Hideaway Guristas Forlorn Hideaway Sansha Forlorn Hideaway Serpentis Forlorn Hideaway
2 Angel Burrow Blood Burrow Guristas Burrow Sansha Burrow Serpentis Burrow Drone Collection
3 Angel Refuge Blood Refuge Guristas Refuge Sansha Refuge Serpentis Refuge Drone Assembly
4 Angel Den Blood Den Guristas Den Sansha Den Serpentis Den Drone Gathering
Angel Hidden Den Blood Hidden Den Guristas Hidden Den Sansha Hidden Den Serpentis Hidden Den
Angel Forsaken Den Blood Forsaken Den Guristas Forsaken Den Sansha Forsaken Den Serpentis Forsaken Den
Angel Forlorn Den Blood Forlorn Den Guristas Forlorn Den Sansha Forlorn Den Serpentis Forlorn Den
5 Angel Yard Blood Yard Guristas Yard Sansha Yard Serpentis Yard Drone Surveillance
6 Angel Rally Point Blood Rally Point Guristas Rally Point Sansha Rally Point Serpentis Rally Point Drone Menagerie
Angel Hidden Rally Point Blood Hidden Rally Point Guristas Hidden Rally Point Sansha Hidden Rally Point Serpentis Hidden Rally Point
Angel Forsaken Rally Point Blood Forsaken Rally Point Guristas Forsaken Rally Point Sansha Forsaken Rally Point Serpentis Forsaken Rally Point
Angel Forlorn Rally Point Blood Forlorn Rally Point Guristas Forlorn Rally Point Sansha Forlorn Rally Point Serpentis Forlorn Rally Point
7 Angel Port Blood Port Guristas Port Sansha Port Serpentis Port Drone Herd
8 Angel Hub Blood Hub Guristas Hub Sansha Hub Serpentis Hub Drone Squad
Angel Hidden Hub Blood Hidden Hub Guristas Hidden Hub Sansha Hidden Hub Serpentis Hidden Hub
Angel Forsaken Hub Blood Forsaken Hub Guristas Forsaken Hub Sansha Forsaken Hub Serpentis Forsaken Hub
Angel Forlorn Hub Blood Forlorn Hub Guristas Forlorn Hub Sansha Forlorn Hub Serpentis Forlorn Hub
9 Angel Haven Blood Haven Guristas Haven Sansha Haven Serpentis Haven Drone Patrol
10 Angel Sanctum Blood Sanctum Guristas Sanctum Sansha Sanctum Serpentis Sanctum Drone Horde

Nullのソーラーシステムはそのセキュリティステータスによって5段階に分かれており、それとI-Hubアップグレード“Pirate Detection Array”のインストール・有効化されているレベルによって、固定で発生するアノマリの種類と数が決まっています。
下記の表は、各SSにおいて各レベルのPirate Detection Arrayを有効化した際に追加で固定発生するサイトの一覧になります。


I-Hub システムのセキュリティステータス
0.0 ~ -0.24 -0.25 ~ -0.44 -0.45 ~ -0.64 -0.65 ~ -0.85 -0.85 ~ -1.0
1 Hidden Den
2x Rally Point
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
2x Port
Hidden Den
2x Rally Point
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
2x Port
Forlorn Den
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forlorn Hub
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
2x Hub
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
Hidden Rally Point
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
2 Hidden Den
2x Rally Point
Hidden Rally Point
Forsaken Rally Point
Forsaken Den
Forlorn Den
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forlorn Hub
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
2x Hub
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
Hidden Rally Point
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
Forsaken Rally Point
2x Hidden Hub
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
3 Forsaken Den
Forlorn Den
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Hub
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
2x Hub
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
Hidden Rally Point
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
Forsaken Rally Point
Hidden Hub
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
4 Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
2x Hub
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
Hidden Rally Point
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
Forsaken Rally Point
Hidden Hub
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
Forsaken Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
2x Sanctum
5 Hidden Rally Point
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
2x Haven
Forsaken Rally Point
Hidden Hub
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
Forsaken Rally Point
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
Forlorn Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
2x Sanctum
Forsaken Rally Point
Forsaken Hub
Forlorn Hub
2x Haven
2x Sanctum










エスカレーション元 Angel Cartel Blood Raiders Guristas Pirates Sansha's Nation Serpentis Corporation Rogue Drones
High Sec
<Faction> Hideout
Haunted Yard
Blue Pill Frentix Sooth Sayer Drop Mindflood Pulverize The Pioneers
<Faction> Lookout
Desolate Site
Chasing the Dragon Following the Blood Trap? Slave Breeding Plants Angel Kickbacks Mare Sargassum
<Faction> Watch
Chemical Yard
The Nuclear Small Arms Project Medical Twilight Terrorist Plot! Nation on the Rise Jet-Set Hooligans Hunting the Drudge Factory
<Faction> Vigil The Big Blue The Rewards of Devotion Kidnapped! True Power Shipyards Booster R&D -
Low Sec
Provisional <Faction> Outpost
Rogue Trial Yard
Domination Surveillance Squad Blood Surveillance Squad Gurista Surveillance Squad Sansha Surveillance Squad Guardian Angels Surveillance Squad Moving Day
<Faction> Outpost
Dirty Site
Salvation Angel's Shipment Save The Slaves Gurista Productions Shipment Hidden Riches Elite Playground Loose Ends
Minor <Faction> Annex
Angel Owned Station Blood Owned Station Guristas Owned Station Sansha Owned Station Serpentis Owned Station Menacing Mechanics
<Faction> Annex Angel Powergrid Blood Raider Powergrid Guristas Powergrid Sansha Powergrid Serpentis Powergrid -
Null Sec
<Faction> Base
Toxic Waste Scandal! Religious Fury Consequences Smonsequences True Power HQ Contract Killers The Drone Roulette
<Faction> Fortress
Operation Spring Cleaning Dubious Assignment Hired Gun Shady Operation Suspicious Job Molting Season
<Faction> Military Complex
Pioneers Peril Frontier in Flames Pirate's Path David V Goliath Colony Under Fire Trouble in Paradise
<Faction> Provincial HQ Special Forces Fountain of Youth No Quarter The Ancient City Serpentis Secrets -
<Faction> Fleet Staging Point Angel Domination Fleet Staging Point 2 - - - Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point 2 -


存在圏 サイト名
High Low Null Angel Blood Guristas Sansha Serpentis Rogue Drones
1/10 Minmatar Contracted Bio-Farm Old Meanie - Cultivation Center Pith Robux Asteroid Mining & Co. Sansha Military Outpost Serpentis Drug Outlet -
2/10 Angel Creo-Corp Mining Blood Raider Human Farm Pith Deadspace Depot Sansha Acclimatization Facility Serpentis Live Cargo Distribution Facilities Rogue Drone Infestation Sprout
3/10 Angel Repurposed Outpost Blood Raider Intelligence Collection Point Guristas Guerilla Grounds Sansha's Command Relay Outpost Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation
4/10 Angel Cartel Occupied Mining Colony Mul-Zatah Monastery Guristas Scout Outpost Sansha's Nation Occupied Mining Colony Serpentis Phi-Outpost -
5/10 Angel's Red Light District Blood Raider Psychotropics Depot Guristas Hallucinogen Supply Waypoint Sansha's Nation Neural Paralytic Facility Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive
6/10 Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost1) Crimson Hand Supply Depot Guristas Troop Reinvigoration Camp Sansha War Supply Complex Serpentis Logistical Outpost2) -
7/10 Angel Military Operations Complex Blood Raider Coordination Center Gurista Military Operations Complex Sansha Military Operations Complex Serpentis Paramilitary Complex -
8/10 Cartel Prisoner Retention
Blood Raider Prison Camp Pith's Penal Complex Sansha Prison Camp Serpentis Prison Camp -
9/10 - - - - - -
10/10 Angel Cartel Naval Shipyard Blood Raider Naval Shipyard The Maze Centus Assembly T.P. Co. Serpentis Fleet Shipyard -


DEDランク 進入可能艦船
1/10 フリゲート以下
2/10 駆逐艦以下(T3DDを除く)
3/10 巡洋艦以下(T3艦船を除く)
4/10 巡洋戦艦以下(T3CLを除く)
5/10以上 主力艦以外全て進入可能

1) , 2)
  • pve/combat-site.1509719913.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2017/11/03 23:38
  • (外部編集)