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原文:Backstory:The Capsule and the Clone
Copyright © CCP 1997-2009
Initially the hydrostatic capsule, as given to the Caldari by the Jovians roughly 120 years ago, contained no facilities for the clone-body retransplantation of those dying inside it.. In addition, it proved fiercely maladaptive to the human body in myriad ways. All sorts of physiological differences between ordinary humans and their genetically enhanced Jovian counterparts served to make the pod extremely dangerous to humans in its original incarnation, and even the most rigorous training regimens usually failed to save people from the horrors of the mind lock or wetgraving.
それに加えて、ワイヤーやチューブに繋がれ、仮死状態の体を生かすための液体に満たされた静水カプセルのような、見るからに異質なものに入り込むことを考えるだに、大部分のパイロットにとっては (昔も今も) 気に入らないものであった。数十年来、カプセル内の人間に起こりうるおぞましい出来事に関する恐ろしい話は多数存在してきた (穏やかでないことに、そのほとんどは事実であった)。
Added to this, the mere thought of hooking wires and tubes into one’s body and stepping into something as seemingly alien as a hydrostatic pod, filled with fluid intended to nurture the body through a state of what is essentially suspended animation, didn’t (and still doesn’t) appeal to the vast majority of pilots. For decades horror stories abounded as to the hideous things that could happen to a person inside a capsule (most of which, unsettlingly enough, were true).
For years, no single political or commercial entity had enough vested interest in pod tech to attempt a change in this public perception. The Jovians had held the official patent on the technology since releasing it to the Caldari, but had adamantly refused all monetary remuneration for its production. For this show of apparent nobility they gave no explanation; nor did they make any attempt to increase the technology’s practicality for those not endowed with their genetic superiority. Their motives in not doing so have been speculated upon broadly and extensively, but no consensus has ever been reached.
Throughout the period where the capsule and the clone had not yet begun their courtship, pods saw some use among those select few able to handle the intense nausea, hallucinations and general mental instability engendered by prolonged occupancy. Stories are told of pod pilot heroes flying on the side of the Caldari during the twilight years of the Gallente-Caldari war, executing maneuvers unthinkable to those encumbered with a full crew complement and the bothersome necessity of using vocal commands and hand-eye coordination to steer their vessels. Such pilots were a rare breed, though; because of the technology’s inherent dangers, capsule-fitted ships were not yet in mass production and existing models therefore had to be retro-fitted at great effort and expense.
Excluded from general usage due to drawbacks which rendered it a ludicrously expensive exercise in mortal danger, the capsule lay dormant for years.
クローンの作成と再移植に関する新技術により、かつてよりも安価で効率的になっているとはいえ、カプセルを用いないクローニングは、その特有の問題と、見込み客に必要とされる未だに莫大な費用により、惑星居住者の大多数にとっては事実上考慮する余地のない選択肢である。さらに、クローン製品が利用可能な社会ではどこでも、この分野で行われてきた研究に対する道徳的・宗教的な反発がある程度表面化している。信仰を同じくしない者には軽蔑を持って“Doomies”として知られるこれらの反対論者たち (時に有力な政治的・宗教的な主導者であることもある) はそれでも、クローニングへの一般大衆の受け取り方に大きな影響力を振るってきた。商業的なクローニングが始まって以来、多くの土地で、まれながら抗議運動や暴動が起こっており、クローニング企業のたゆまぬマーケティングにより、この数年で大幅な大衆の支持を得ることができた一方で、いまだに多くの人々が、この技術分野は人類の精神性を否定するものであり、より「安全な」研究へ切り替えるべきであると強く感じている。
While new techniques in clone creation and retransplantation have made the process cheaper and more efficient today than ever before, the inherent unreliability of non-capsule cloning and the still-extravagant cost involved for prospective clients effectively prohibits the vast majority of planetside inhabitants from considering it an option. Additionally, moral and religious objections to the work done in the field have surfaced to some extent in every society where its products have become available. Derogatorily known as “Doomies” by those who don’t share their beliefs, these objectors, sometimes numbering among them major political and religious figureheads, have nonetheless exerted a considerable amount of influence on the way cloning is perceived by the general populace. Protests and riots over the issue, while rare, have taken place on numerous worlds since commercial cloning began, and while the cloning companies’ ceaseless marketing has yielded significantly greater public acceptance in the past few years, a number of people still feel strongly that the whole field represents a denial of humanity’s spirituality and should be abandoned for “safer” scientific pursuits.
クローン技術の進歩にかかわらず、死に際してのほとんどあらゆる状況下における精神の再移植は、いまだリスクの高い分野である。プロセスにおける最重要の要素は、死の決定的瞬間に行われクローンに送られる脳スキャンのスナップショットであり、従って、経神経焼成スキャナーは、常に人物の近くのいずこかにマウントされていなければならない。スナップショット自体が灰白質に重大な物理的損傷をおよぼすため、少しの誤差も許されることはない。死のその瞬間に正確に行われなければならないのである。惑星上で用いられる車両について、クローニング企業が経神経スキャナーを様々な場所に取り付けて実験を行ったが、ほぼ無限とも言える惑星依存環境の潜在的可能性は、幾度となくそれが全く安全でないことを示した – スナップショットが誤った刺激によって起動し、健康なクライアントが植物状態となったり、セーフガード機構によっては予想しえなかった状況により起動に失敗し、クライアントが再移植されることなく死亡したままになったりした。
Despite the advances made in cloning tech, in almost every single environment retransplantation of the mind at time of death is still risky ground. The crucial element in the process relies on a brain-scan snapshot being taken at the precise time of death and transmitted to the waiting clone, and so the transneural burning scanner required to do so needs to be mounted somewhere close to the person at all times. Since the snapshot itself causes massive physical damage to the gray matter, there can be no margin of error; it needs to be done at the exact time of death. In planetary vehicles, the cloning companies have experimented with mounting the transneural scanner in a variety of locations, but the almost limitless potentiality of planet-bound environments has proved time and again that it just isn’t safe – snapshots either go off due to false stimuli, leaving healthy clients in a vegetative state, or fail to go off due to circumstances unforeseen by the safeguard mechanism, leaving clients dead with no chance of retransplantation.
しかし、カプセルの中では状況は変わってくる。装置はただポッドの破損を検出しさえすればよい。なぜならば – 士官候補生ならば誰もが訓練の始めから頭に叩き込まれることだが – ポッドの破損は、例外なく、内部の人間の破滅を意味するからである。従って、卵が割れ始めた瞬間に、二つのことが起きる。パイロットの頭部に装着されたワイヤーキャップが血流中に即死性のナノ毒を流し込み、スキャナーが頭蓋に鋭い光を投げかける。数瞬の後には、数光年彼方の新しい体の中で、ゆっくりと意識を取り戻し始めるのである。
In the capsule, however, things are different. All the equipment needs to do is detect a breach in the pod, because – as every cadet has hammered into his head from the moment he starts training – pod breach, without exception, spells doom for the person inside. Therefore, the instant the egg begins to crack, two things happen: the wire-cap on the pilot’s head injects an instantly lethal nanotoxin into his bloodstream and the scanner sends its piercing light into his skull. Scarce seconds later, he begins the muddy climb towards consciousness in a new body, light years away.
It was not until eight years ago that clone manufacturers realized the vast potential of the hydrostatic capsule as a platform for their own technology. Funded by some of the largest megacorporation conglomerates in the universe, they set to work on capsule research and development, buying permission from the proper agencies to make modifications to the original blueprint.
数年の熱心な研究の後に、ブレイクスルーが生まれた。YC 104年 (2年前)、最初の経神経焼成スキャンインターフェイスをカプセル内部に導入することに成功したのである。六ヶ月のテスト期間において、試験例の99.7%でポッド破損時における完全なクローンの再移植に成功した技術 – 今までのどのクローニング産業が達成したものよりも遙かに高い信頼性の水準であった。
After years of dedicated research, a breakthrough was made. In YC 104 (two years ago), the first transneural burning scan interface was successfully installed in a capsule; technology that would, within six months of testing, allow for perfect clone transplantation upon pod breach in 99.7% of tested instances – a level of reliability far surpassing anything the cloning industry had ever achieved before.
At that point, utilizing the considerable capital at their disposal, the cloning corporations managed through incessant and insidious marketing strategies to change the public perception sufficiently to allow them to push their industry into the limelight through the avenue of the hydrostatic capsule. After six months of exhaustive testing and tireless marketing, the transneural burning scan interface was finalized and public perception had been primed.
At the same time this was happening, CONCORD prepared and adopted legal acts which required every single manufactured capsule to be fitted with a transneural echo burning scanner, in addition to mandating clone contracts for every single pilot cleared to fly a capsule-fitted vessel. The official rationale given for the laws was that an increase in the viable applications of capsule equipment would allow for further exploration along the technological frontier as well as the trackless fathoms of deep space. It was, of course, widely whispered that the cloning companies had used their megacorp backing to effect these legislative changes, but those theories were never conclusively proven.
実際の原因が何であれ、結果は残った – カプセルとクローンは今や分かちがたく結びつき、法令がそれを強化している。これがPCパイロットの起こりであった。
Whatever its real causes, the fact remained – the capsule and the clone were now inextricably joined, the legislative mandate consolidating their bond. Thus was born the PC pilot.