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The Caldari State stands for corporate capitalism in its purest form. There are eight great Corporations that together own more than 90% of all property within the State. Each of the corporation is made up of thousands of companies of various sizes and various sorts, ranging from simple mining companies to powerful police companies. There is no single, unified government as such, each corporation rules it's territories like their own kingdom with little or nor interference from the other corporations. In higher matters, such as in foreign policy towards the other empires, the Board of Directors, which consists of the CEOs of the eight major corporations, has the highest authority. The Board of Directors also makes sure that the social infrastructure of the State remains intact and settles all major quarrels between the corporations.

8大企業の名称は次の通り: カーラキオタ、スクーベスタ、ノゴエイハヴィ、イシュコネ、ウィルコミ、ヒャショーダ、CBD、ライダイ

The eight major corporations are named: Kaalakiota, Sukuuvestaa, Nugoeihuvi, Ishukone, Wiyrkomi, Hyasyoda, CBD and Lai Dai


CEO ハータカン・オイリツー1)
本社 ノンニ


Kaalakiota has its fingers everywhere and in everything; they're the closest of the corporation to being a state within the state.

強大なカーラキオタ社の黎明期は、後進国であったカルダリが、当時はるかに進歩していたガレンテ連邦に経済的に搾取されていた時期にまで遡る。カーラキオタ、通称“KK”はガレンテ人との交易に手を出したが、すぐに不動産と製造業で荒稼ぎをするようになった。KK はカルダリがガレンテ連邦に敵対した際の最前線であり、そのことが大きな優位点になっている。

The mighty Kaalakiota humble beginnings date back to the time when the primitive Caldari were being economically exploited by the much more advanced Gallente Federation. The Kaalakiota, or KK as it's often called, dabbled in trade with the Gallenteans, but soon started raking in wealth on real estate and manufactures. The KK was at the forefront of the Caldari opposition against the Gallente Federation, something the corporation used to its great advantage.


CEO モリモ・ヤガラ2)
本社 ジョサメト

ノゴエイハヴィ社はその名の通りエンターテイメント商品の製造・販売において最大の企業である(Nug-oei-huvi とは play-relax-enjoy の意で、通称 NOH と呼ばれている)。

Nugoeihuvi is the largest manufacturer and distributor of entertainment products, as evident by its name (Nug-oei-huvi means play-relax-enjoy, the corporation is commonly called NOH).

NOH はもともとは、デリカテッセンから高級家具までさまざまな種類の贅沢品を製造する小企業による企業複合体だった。しかしカルダリが独立国家となったとき、ガレンテの娯楽産業が欠落したことでできた穴を彼ら(NOH)が埋める格好になった。その後時が経ち、娯楽産業は NOH の柱となった。NOH は地下世界と取引をしたと何度も告発されているが、そういった噂はいまだ証明も反証もされていない。

NOH was originally a conglomerate of small companies that manufactured all kinds of luxury goods, ranging from delicatessens to quality furniture. But once the Caldari had formed their independent empire, they filled the void created when the Gallente entertainment business was cut out. Over the years the entertainment business has slowly become the main activity of NOH. The NOH have many times been accused of having dealings with the underworld, those rumors have never been proved or disproved.


CEO メンズ・レッポラ3)
本社 マルカレン


The Ishukone corporation specializes in producing hi-tech equipment, as well as machinery. It possesses the most advanced technology outside Jovian space.

イシュコネ社は巨大企業の中では長い間最下位に位置していた。イシュコネ社の現時点での主力産業は当時まだ研究中だったが、イシュコネ社がその発明から大きな利益を得ているようには全く見えなかった。彼らが カルダリ内で屈指の企業にのしあがったのはこの一世紀かそこらのことだ。イシュコネ社はジョヴ人と絶えず強い関係を保ってきたが、その関係がどの程度深いのかは分かっていない。

The Ishukone was for a long time the weakest of the corporations. Their main activity at this time was in research, but they never seemed able to benefit greatly from any of their discoveries. Only in the last century or so have they bloomed and are today becoming one of the most powerful corporation in the Caldari State. The Ishukone corporation has always had strong connections with the Jovians, but no one knows how deep those connections reach.

Haatakan Oiritsuu
Morimo Yagala
Mens Reppola
  • backstory/caldari/corporate.txt
  • 最終更新: 2021/12/18 20:10
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