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原文:Scientific Articles:Cloning

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Cromeaux社は連邦内において高品質クローンをご提供する最大手企業となることを目指しております. クローニング・ビジネスはEVEにおいて最も利益の大きな産業のうちの1つになっており,革新的かつ活動的な弊社はすぐに良い売り上げを得られると確信しております.弊社はこの数ヶ月間で業界最高の科学者を迎えており,今後5年間でより一層先進的なクローニング技術の開発を行い,大幅なマーケットシェアの拡大を目指します.

弊社はChemal Tech社の独立子会社として7年前に設立されました.現在の資本内訳はChemal Tech社による出資が2/3を占めており,その他は弊社役員自らによる出資が25%,Luminaire銀行による出資が8%ととなっております.皆様に今回のご融資を頂くことで,弊社は連邦全体に渡って競争力のある製品をご提供できる企業に躍進を遂げます.

Cromeaux Inc. aims to become the largest provider of high quality clones within the Federation. The cloning business is becoming one of the most lucrative industries in the world of EVE and an innovative and vigorous company can quickly get a good turnover. Cromeaux Inc. has in recent months hired some of the best scientists in the field and intends with their help to develop further its pioneering cloning-technique to gain a sizeable market-share within the next five years.

Cromeaux Inc. was founded 7 years ago as an independent division of the Chemal Tech, which owns 2/3 of the company. The rest is held by key employees (25%) and the Bank of Luminaire (8%). The funds raised in this round of finances will allow the company to grow to the level where it can start offering competitive products on a Federation-wide bases.


Clones are a luxury commodity in high demand. The number of illegal clone clinics, often using inferior and even dangerous materials, clearly indicates that a substantial market is out there ready to be serviced by high quality, reliable and governmentally approved clones.

Cromeaux社は生化学の権威であるYomir Veschens博士及び起業家のEron Jasceteによって7年前に設立されました.今日では,世界的に一流な遺伝学者及び生体工学者を多数含む,4,000人超の従業員を抱える会社となっています.弊社に勤める主要なメンバーは次のとおりです.

Cromeaux Inc. was founded 7 years ago by Dr. Yomir Veschens, an established expert in biochemistry and the entrepreneur Eron Jascete. Today it has more than 4.000 employees, including many of the leading geneticists and bioengineers in the world. Some of the key personnel currently employed by Cromeaux Inc. are:

  • Yomir Veschens博士.CTO.SWS '74 EST卒.生化学及び遺伝子設計学の両博士号を取得.過去にはJurg Akrael博士のチームに所属し,脳写像技術の完成に寄与しチームを成功に導く.Cromeaux社の共同出資者の一人.
  • Marika Alois.CEO.優秀な起業家として名高く,過去に手がけた企業にはKS Manufacturing社やDioSec社がある.今年初めから弊社CEOに就任.
  • Daphnie Fonterouche.CFO.Luminaire銀行の銀行支店長を勤めた後,独立し財務顧問会社を営む.4年前から弊社CFOを勤める.
  • Roul Gonzi博士.上級エンジニア. 過去にはPoteque Pharmaceuticals社のクローン事業部にて研究チームを指揮.
  • Araham Keredin博士.研究者.以前はAmarr PrimeのRoyal Instituteの生物学教授を勤め,この春から弊社に就任.補助記憶学及び心理復元学のエキスパートでもある.
  • Dr. Yomir Veschens. CTO. Graduated from SWS in ’74 EST with a Ph.D. in both Biochemistry and Gene-design. Member of Dr. Jurg Akrael’s team and contributed to its successes in perfecting the brain mapping technique. Co-founder of Cromeaux Inc.
  • Marika Alois. CEO. A respected manager, Alois has been director of several startup companies, including KS Manufacturing and DioSec. Became CEO of Cromeaux Inc. earlier this year.
  • Daphnie Fonterouche. CFO. Former bank manager for Bank of Luminaire. Worked as an independent financial advisor before joining Cromeaux Inc. four years ago.
  • Dr. Roul Gonzi. Senior Engineer. Former employee in the clone department of Poteque Pharmaceuticals, where he supervised the clone research team.
  • Dr. Araham Keredin. Researcher. Dr. Keredin was a Biology professor at the Royal Institute on Amarr Prime before joining Cromeaux Inc. in the spring. He is an expert on mnemonic theories and psyche restoration.


Cromeaux Inc. already operates five cloning facilities in the Federation, all in high density, high yield areas. The company plans to open seven more facilities in the coming months, thereof four located on space stations. This is to tap into the clone demand from space ship captains, which are quickly becoming the largest group of clientele.

現在,連邦内におけるクローン業界の最大手はPoteque Pharmaceuticals社となっております. Poteque Pharmaceuticals社は連邦内で最大のバイオテクノロジー会社であったため,事業化の目処が立ち,法基盤が整うや否や容易にクローンビジネスに進出することが可能でした.しかしながら,クローン事業が彼の巨大なコングロマリットの小さな一事業部門だけであるということは彼等にとってこの事業が優先事項ではないことを意味しています.その一方,我々Cromeaux社は専らクローン事業に焦点を絞ることにより,クローン製造分野の新たな担い手となる類まれな機会を持っていると言えます.

The largest manufacturer of clones within the Federation at the moment is Poteque Pharmaceuticals. Being the largest biotech company within the Federation Poteque made an easy transaction into the clone business as soon as the technology became financially viable and the laws for their use firm. However, the fact that the clone production is only a small subsection of the huge conglomerate means it is not a priority. Cromeaux Inc., on the other hand, by focusing solely on clones, have a unique opportunity to become a leader in the field of clone manufacturing.


Here is the current market breakdown between the largest clone companies:


  • Poteque Pharmaceuticals [30%]
  • Zainou [21%]
  • Genolution [9%]
  • Lai Dai [7%]
  • Eifyr & Co. [4%]
  • Cromeaux Inc. [1%]
  • Other [28%]


Cromeaux Inc. intends to control 5% of the clone market in five years.


Cloning technology can be divided into three major components: clone manufacturing, brain growth & storage and clone quality. Each of these areas requires intimate knowledge and skilled staff to operate, something Cromeaux Inc. is very proud to possess in abundance.



Clones are manufactured using biomass. Modern methods allow pretty much any kind of biomass to be used. The best clones are constructed from human cadavers, but anything from animal carcasses to organic soups can be used. Using lower quality materials requires more extensive structuring and chemical processes and introduces a greater risk for error in the transfer of the customer's features.

クローンご購入時には,お客様は精密検査を受ける必要があります.また幾つかの組成サンプルを採取させて頂きます.組成サンプルはお客様のクローンを構築するために利用されます – クローンはオリジナルが死ぬまさにその瞬間にオリジナルの意識を受け取り,新しい生を授かるのです.

At the time of purchase, the customer undergoes a thorough examination and several tissue samples are taken. This is then used to construct a clone of the customer – a clone that receives the consciousness of the original at the moment of death, granting a new life.

Cromeaux社では,全てのクローンは正規に保証された(遺言でドナー提供に同意された方の)人間の屍骸からのみ製造されます. バイオマスでは細胞組織の腐敗が進行しないよう最高品質の保存料が用いられ,異物混入や組織剥離が起こらないように維持されます. Cromeaux社は最高品質のクローンの製造業者としての名声を得ることを使命としており,運用上クローン施設が悪用されることはございませんので,お客様には安心してご利用頂けます.弊社では全ての連邦法と規則は厳格に遵守され,また連邦政府の検査官が我々の全てのクローン製造施設に常駐しています.

At Cromeaux Inc. all clones are made from certified human cadavers, all of them received from willing donors. The biomass has not been tampered with or thinned out – only highest quality preservatives have been introduced to hinder tissue decomposition. Cromeaux Inc. mission is to establish itself as the manufacturer of clones of the very highest quality and its clientele can rest assured that the underhanded tactics used by so many clone stations do not apply for its operation. All federal laws and regulations are applied rigorously, with governmental inspectors a permanent feature on all our stations.


The biomass is used to construct a functioning body. This body is complete in every sense, with fully functioning organs and peripheral neural system. Instead of a brain there is only a primitive cluster of ganglia which is capable of maintaining heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. Core body temperature is dependent on the environment, and so has to be controlled very carefully in order not to damage the cells. The immune system of the donor is crippled and the thymus is removed and replaced with implanted cells from the customer. The clone body will thus not reject any implant – this makes it possible to seed the body with stem cells from the customer. The clone’s body cells divide very slowly, allowing the new cells to take over in time.

クローン体の培養には数ヶ月を要します.しかし,あらかじめ全てのクローン施設にはお客様が何時でも購入可能な一般的なクローンが備蓄されています. 頭蓋骨の形成には柔軟性合成骨ポリマーを材料として用い,成型加工された後にガンマ線レーザーを照射することで硬化できます.他の様々な骨格も同様で,この技術により目鼻立ち及び身体的外観は非常にすばやく復元可能です.この処理はお客様によってクローンが購入されると同時に迅速に行われます.同様の技術を用いて肌の色合い,刺青,傷跡も復元されます.こうして特長を持たなかったクローン体は,あたかもお客様と一卵性双生児であったかのような変貌を遂げます.

Culturing a clone takes several months, but all clone stations store generic clones that are only put to use when a client buys it. The skull, and frequently other bones as well, is replaced by osteoplastic materials – soft synthetic bone polymers that can be shaped and then hardened by gamma laser irradiation. In this way, facial features and other body marks and textures can be applied very quickly. The process is very quick and is applied as soon as the clone is purchased. A similar technique is also used to adjust skin tones and give special skin marks, such as tattoos and scars. This means that the featureless clone is quickly transformed into an identical twin of the client.

いかなる優れたクローニング会社であっても,種族,血統の違いにより生じる生理学的な差異を考慮しないわけにはいきません.クローンへの意識の転写プロセスが円滑に,かつ最小限のズレの範囲内で行われるようにするためには,各々の血統が有する固有のDNA痕を複製しなければなりません.血統を揃えることで各血統が有する独特の特徴及び習性は保持されます. 記憶復元は脳細胞の精密な神経層のレイアウトと密接に関わっている為,脳の成育過程(下記参照)において以前の身体と血統が合っているかどうかは非常に重要となります.

Any respectable cloning company must take into account the physiological differences between the human races and bloodlines in existence. Each of them has unique DNA imprints that must be replicated so that the transfer process goes as smoothly and with as little deviances as possible. If done properly the unique characteristics and traits that each bloodline has can be kept intact. This is very important during the brain growth process (see below), as the memory restoration is closely linked to the exact neuro-strata layout of the brain tissue, which varies greatly from one bloodline to the next.

もちろん,お客様の明確な合意が得られない限り,決してクローン体の脳の成育が行われることはありません. 一度クローンが購入されると お客様の頭脳形状及び神経細胞中枢の配置を確定するために完全な脳スキャンを行わせて頂きます.その後,お客様の頭脳形状と合致する3次元ゲル構造体が組成されます.

Clones are never bred with an intact brain as this is obviously very much dictated by the client. Once a clone is bought a thorough brain scan is made of the client to determine the shape of the brain and the placement of nerve cell nuclei. Then a three dimensional gel structure that matches the shape of the client's brain is constructed.


The cranium is constructed by seeding this gel structure (heavily impregnated with nutrients and inactivated growth factors) with nerve cells and glia, in accordance with information from the brain scan. Bound to the growth factors are molecular receptors that are coupled (using the well known FTL-communication technology) to molecules placed in the customer's burning scanner (see Clone quality, below). After seeding, the gel structure is suspended until the final moment of the original. As the burning scan is made, the molecules bound to the inactivated growth factors become unstable and cause activation of the growth factors by cleavage. The activation is an exothermic process which produces sufficient heat to melt pathways into the gel model of the brain. Thus dendrite paths in the model will be the same as in the original's brain, their growth fuelled by the activated growth factors.

このプロセスだけでは,オリジナルの脳の正確なレプリカを作成するのに十分ではありません. 樹枝状結晶の形状とシナプスの増強レベル(この2つの組み合わせによって記憶と能力が決定される)を正確に復元するためには,神経間リンクを微調整する必要があります.このため,活性化プロセスが神経経路に書き込まれ終わるまで,組成された樹枝状結晶と神経間リンクを通じて神経刺激が送られ続けます.これらのシナプスの増強調整はクローンへの同調作業の最終段階において急激に行われる為,クローンで意識を覚醒するときの感覚はよく,記憶が「戻ってくる」と表現されます.

This process alone is not sufficient for an exact replica of the original's brain. The precise shape of the dendrites and the potentiation level of the synapse, which together determine memories and skills, have to be fine tuned through a neural link. Impulses are sent through the link to stimulate further growth and shaping of the dendrites, until they fill in the paths formed with the activation process. In the final stages of this tuning, as the clone regains consciousness, potentiation at synapses is quickly adjusted to recorded levels, generating a feeling often described as one of memories “coming back”.


クローン施設では,一般クローン体と同じように,お客様がお作りになられたクローン体(俗に言う準備済クローン)も維持されています.ゲル構造体中の受容分子が,お客様にお渡しする焼成スキャナと対になって結合されているために,クローニングプロセスは必ず1対1が原則となっています.弊社「プレミアムメンバー」にご入会頂ければ,Cromeaux社が所有する全てのクローン施設にお客様クローンを準備させて頂きます.– 我々Cromeaux社が本サービスを最初に開始して以来,他の大手クローニング会社もこぞって同様のサービスを開始しました. – しかしながら,クローンと1対1対応の焼成スキャナをご購入のお客様には,現在のところ,お住まいから最も近いクローン施設をご利用頂く必要があります.

Clone stations store client clones (also termed readied clones) as well as still-to-be-used featureless clone bodies. The cloning process is always on a one-to-one basis, as the molecular receptors bound in the gel structure are coupled to the burning scanner carried by the customer. Premium members will of course always have clone copies of themselves in every Cromeaux Inc. clone facility – service that Cromeaux Inc. pioneered when it started and has since been imitated by all the other major clone companies – but as there is only one burning scanner for each clone, they will have to use a scanner that is coupled to a clone in a facility close to their current position.

カプセル・センサーはカプセル内部の破損を検知した場合,瞬時に前述のような乗員の脳状態の緊急アップロードを行います(訳注:焼成スキャンと活性化のこと).カプセルが行う焼成スキャンは,乗員の脳をアナログ走査します.この緊急時スキャンによるスナップショットは,全ての脳細胞間の全てのニューロン接続の状態を含んだ,正確な脳状態を記録します.この緊急時スキャンは瞬間的かつ高効率でなけれなならない為,この高出力スキャンが走査した脳は完全に「虐殺」されてしまいます. 初期の幾つかのスキャン実験において被験者は恒久的な心傷及び重度の脳損傷を受けており,これは回避不能な現象として受け入れられました.しかしながら,如何なる手段をもってしても死ぬ状況にある人間にとっては,この深刻な副作用も些細な問題でしかありません, 現在の全てのカプセルは,この緊急時スキャンを行うべき瞬間を高度に調整されています.もしスナップが余りにも早すぎると,乗員は死んでいないながらも植物状態で生き続けなければなりませんし,もし余りにも遅すぎれば,スキャンが未完のまま失敗する危険性があるばかりでなく,仮に成功したとしてもクローンで復活した際に自らの死の経験を知覚しなければならなくなります.これは深刻な外傷的体験(トラウマ)となり,クローンに重篤な心理的,機能的障害を引き起こします.

The moment the capsule sensors detect a breach in the capsule they activate the emergency uploading of the mind of the person in the capsule, as described above. The capsule makes an analog scan of the brain of the person. This extraordinary snapshot records the exact state of the mind, including every neuron connection between every brain cell. Because the scan must be instantaneous and efficient it brutalizes the brain in the process. In early tests, the subjects were left with permanent and severe brain damage after being scanned, a fact that is impossible to escape. But as the person is about to die in any case, this unfortunate side effect has little consequences. All modern capsules are highly tuned to when to take the snapshot – if it is done too early there is a chance that the subject will not die at all, but live on in a vegetative state. And if the snapshot is taken too late there is the risk that the scan will fail or even that the revived clone will remember its own death, a very traumatic experience that can introduce severe psychological and functional problems in the clone.

クローンの品質には重点を置かざるを得ません.クローン体の脳の組成や形状がオリジナルに近ければ近いほど,復元プロセスがより良く働くからです.大きな違いとして,シナプスの成長プロセスの過程において失われる記憶量が挙げられます.これは宇宙産業において最も顕著に現れます.全ての宇宙船艦長は,航行認可証を得る際にクローン体の生成を義務付けられています.しかしながら,自分に合った適切なクローン体を購入し続ける義務は無いため,適正なクローン体を保有せずに死亡した場合,一般的なクローン体が供与されてしまいます.これらの一般クローンはオリジナルとは大きく異なった脳組成を持たざるを得ないため,記憶の喪失は非常に厳しいものとなるでしょう. 一方,人間の屍骸から製造された完璧な状態の自己クローンをあらかじめ用意しておいた場合,99.99%の記憶を復元することが可能です – これはまさにオリジナルのドッペルゲンガーと呼んでも差し支えないでしょう.

The quality of the clone is always critical and this is a point that cannot be stressed enough. The closer the clone’s brain is to the original in shape and form the better the reviving process will work. The more different they are the more memory will be lost during the synaptic growth process. This is most clearly seen in the space industry. For a space captain to retain his license he must be connected to a cloning facility. But if he fails to buy himself a suitable clone, which he is not required to do by law, he will be given a generic clone instead at the time of death. As these generic clones are bound to have very different brains than the original the memory loss can be very severe. The best clones, made from certified human cadavers in perfect condition, are able to retain up to 99.99% of memory – a figure close enough to call the revived clone a true doppelganger of the original person.


The cloning clientele has risen steadily for the last several years. There are several reasons for this:

  • より安価で簡便な新しいクローニング技術が開発されたこと
  • 競合によりクローン設備を備えた宇宙ステーションが増加したこと
  • 最大の顧客層である,宇宙船の艦長が増加したこと
  • 新しい法令や規制が制定され,今まで利用が制限されていた分野でのクローン利用が認められたこと
  • 多くの地域で,クローニングが危険な実験あるいや社会的なタブーとは考えられなくなってきたこと
  • New cloning techniques that are cheaper and easier to employ.
  • Increased visibility of cloning stations due to competition.
  • Increased number of space captains – the single largest customer group.
  • New laws and regulations in allowing the use of clones in areas where it was impossible before.
  • Cloning no longer considered a risky experiment or a social taboo in most areas.


It is impossible to know with any certainty the size of the clone market due to excessive number of illegal or hidden clone stations. Although many of these illegal stations produce inferior clones they still steal a lot of potential customers from the legal clone stations. To be fair, these illegal stations do provide a service to people that would be denied service in any respectable cloning facility. Here is break down of various stats of the clone market today, note that numbers are not totally accurate due to lack of information from illegal stations:



  • クローニング会社 計 [42]
  • 違法な 同上 [18]
  • クローニング施設 計 [510]
  • 違法な 同上 [60]

Clone companies:

  • Total number of clone companies [42]
  • Thereof, illegal companies [18]
  • Total number of clone stations [510]
  • Thereof, illegal stations [60]



  • 昨年度総売り上げ数 [148.732.202]
  • 違法な 同上 [24.450.819]
  • 昨年度総収益 [12.419.138.867.000]

Selling clones:

  • Total number of clones sold last year [148.732.202]
  • Thereof, illegal clones [24.450.819]
  • Total revenue from clone sell last year [12.419.138.867.000]



  • 正規保証済 人間の屍骸 (Grade A+) [37%]
  • 非保証 人間の屍骸 (Grade A) [32%]
  • 動物の屍骸 (Grade B) [23%]
  • その他の有機原料 (Grade C) [8%]

Clone composition:

  • Certified human cadavers (Grade A+) [37%]
  • Uncertified human cadavers (Grade A) [32%]
  • Animal carcasses (Grade B) [23%]
  • Organic materials (Grade C) [8%]


地上 対 宇宙 比:

  • 宇宙 クローニング施設数 [103]
  • 地上 同上 [48]
  • 宇宙船艦長へのクローン売り上げ数 [42.615.928]
  • 違法な 同上 [15.778.144]

Ratio of space vs. ground:

  • Number of cloning stations in space [103]
  • Thereof, illegal stations [48]
  • Number of clones sold to space captains [42.615.928]
  • Thereof, sold by illegal stations [15.778.144]

全世界の人口における産業別就職比率を勘案すると,ほとんど僅かに過ぎない宇宙産業における市場が非常に大きいことが,これらの統計から分かります.これは宇宙航行が危険だということを示しているのではなく,宇宙船艦長が法令によってクローン生成を義務付けられた唯一つの職種であることに起因します.過去の幾度もの経験と歴史の積み重ねが,この義務付けの必要性を立証しています. また,宇宙産業は最も急成長している産業でもあります.昨年度,地上のクローニング施設の販売売上高は3%増だったのに対して,宇宙ステーション内のクローニング施設の販売売上高は何と11%増を記録しています.

As can be seen in these figures the space industry is proportionally very big considering that space farers are only a fraction of the total population in the world. This is understandable as space captains are the only profession required by law to do business with a clone station, not to mention the many hazards of space faring, which time and again has demonstrated the need for such a law. The space industry is also the fastest growing industry there is. Planetary clone stations increased their sale last year by 3% on the average, while clone facilities on space stations increased their sale on the average by a whopping 11% during the same period.

設立からの2年間,我々Cromeaux社は研究開発に従事して参りました.3年目に最初のクローニング施設が設立され,以降毎年クローニング施設を増設して今日に至っております.昨年度は最初のクローニング施設からの収益が上がった最初の年となりましたが,同時に収益と同額の経費を計上させて頂いた最初の年でもあります.これは事業が安定軌道にのり,拡大再生産へ向けた経常基盤が確立されたことを意味しております.今回ご案内する新しいご融資を頂くことによって,我々Cromeaux社は前述したように最も大きな市場拡大が見込める宇宙事業へ進出いたします. 文頭で示しましたとおり,我々の計画する7つの新しい施設のうち,4つの施設は宇宙ステーション内に建設される予定です.弊社はすでに以下に挙げる宇宙ステーションを確保しております.これらは全て交通量の多い星系に位置しており,これらの宇宙ステーションはいずれ,我々Cromeaux社の事業の中核を成していくであろうと期待されます.

The first 2 years Cromeaux Inc. focused on research & development. The first clone facility was opened in the third year and since then another clone station has been added every year. With the first clone station came the first earnings, but last year was the first one that earnings matched spending. This means that the business has stabilized and a solid foundation has been created for further expansion. The new funding will allow Cromeaux Inc. to expand its operation to space, which, as has been demonstrated, is where the clone industry is growing fastest. Of the seven new clone facilities that are planned, four will be located in space – the company has already secured very promising sites for these stations, all in high traffic systems. These stations are expected to become the heart of Cromeaux Inc.’s operation. These sites are on the following stations:

  • Miroitem II
  • Reblier Prime
  • Deven I
  • Colcer II

現在計画している7つの施設が稼動を開始いたしますと,弊社の予想売上高は4倍になると想定されています.同時に会社の操業経費は2倍になると想定されています.従って,今後2年間で 1~ の純利益が期待されます.

The projected earnings of the company once these seven stations are up and running is expected to quadruple. At the same time the cost of running the company is expected to double. Thus, in 2 years time, a profit of between 1- is expected.


The board of Cromeaux Inc. considers that the risks involved in this expansion are minimal, while the potential payoff is huge for all investors involved.

  • backstory/cloning.1505644048.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2017/09/17 19:27
  • (外部編集)