



両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
draft4 [2017/01/17 23:04] bartlettdraft4 [2017/09/24 21:20] bartlett
行 1: 行 1:
 ====== 下書きページ4 ====== ====== 下書きページ4 ======
 +====== 私が悪魔を演じる部分 ======
 +原文:[[https://community.eveonline.com/backstory/chronicles/the-part-where-i-play-the-devil/|Chronicle:The Part Where I Play the Devil]]
-====== PI製品 ======+Copyright © CCP 1997-2017\\ 
-===== 凡例 ===== +{{https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/communityassets/img/chronicles/chronicleImage/playthedevil.jpg}}
-|< 230px 30px 50px 150px >| +
-^ 惑星略称 ^^^ +
-^  B  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2016_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2016_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Barren(荒地) | +
-^  G  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/13_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/13_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Gas(ガス) | +
-^  I  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/12_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/12_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Ice(氷) | +
-^  L  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2015_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2015_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Lava(溶岩) | +
-^  O  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2014_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2014_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Oceanic(海洋) | +
-^  P  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2063_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2063_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Plasma(プラズマ) | +
-^  S  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2017_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2017_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Storm(嵐) | +
-^  T  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/11_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/11_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Temperate(温暖) |+
 ---- ----
-===== 一次加工品 =====+<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP half column> 
-^  原料の存在する惑星  ^^^^^^^^  原料  ^^  一次加工品  ^^  二次加工先  ^  単体での利用先  ^ +<WRAP half column> 
-^  B  ^  G  ^  I  ^  L  ^  O  ^  P  ^  S  ^  T  ^ ::: ^^ ::: ^^ ::: ^ ::: ^ +Let me tell you about the mad man and the wonders he performs
-|  ○  |  |  ○  |  |  ○  |  |  |  ○  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2073_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2073_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Microorganisms\\ (微生物) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2393_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2393_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Bacteria\\ (バクテリア) | Fertilizer, Nanites, Organic Mortar Applicators, Test Cultures, Viral Agent |  | +</WRAP> 
-|  ○  |  |  |  |  ○  |  |  |  ○  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2288_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2288_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Carbon Compounds\\ (炭素化合物) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2396_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2396_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Biofuels\\ (バイオ燃料) | Biocells, Livestock, Polytextiles |  | +</WRAP>
-|  |  |  ○  |  |  ○  |  |  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2286_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2286_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Planktic Colonies\\ (プランクティックコロニー) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/3779_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/3779_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Biomass\\ (バイオマス) | Genetically Enhanced Livestock, Supertensile Plastics, Viral Agent |  | +
-|  |  |  |  ○  |  |  ○  |  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2306_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2306_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Non-CS Crystals\\ (非CSクリスタル) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2401_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2401_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Chiral Structures\\ (キラル構造物) | Consumer Electronics, Miniature Electronics, Transmitter |  | +
-|  |  ○  |  |  |  |  |  ○  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2309_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2309_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Ionic Solutions\\ (イオン溶液) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2390_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2390_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Electrolytes\\ (電解質) | Coolant, Rocket Fuel, Synthetic Oil |  | +
-|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ○  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2305_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2305_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Autotrophs\\ (独立栄養生物) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2397_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2397_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Industrial Fibers\\ (工業繊維) | Microfiber Shielding, Polyaramids, Polytextiles |  | +
-|  |  ○  |  |  |  |  |  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2311_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2311_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Reactive Gas\\ (反応性ガス) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2392_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2392_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Oxidizing Compound\\ (酸化化合物) | Oxides, Polyaramids, Silicate Glass |  | +
-|  |  ○  |  ○  |  |  |  |  ○  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2310_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2310_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Noble Gas\\ (ノーブルガス) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/3683_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/3683_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Oxygen\\ (酸素) | Oxides, Supertensile Plastics, Synthetic Oil | 燃料製造、コンバットブースター製造 | +
-|  |  |  |  ○  |  |  ○  |  ○  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2308_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2308_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Suspended Plasma\\ (サスペンデッドプラズマ) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2389_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2389_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Plasmoids\\ (プラズモイド) | Rocket Fuel, Super Conductors, Transmitter |  | +
-|  ○  |  |  |  |  |  ○  |  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2270_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2270_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Noble Metals\\ (ノーブルメタル) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2399_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2399_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Precious Metals\\ (プレシャスメタル) | Biocells, Enriched Uranium, Mechanical Parts |  | +
-|  |  |  |  |  ○  |  |  |  ○  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2287_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2287_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Complex Organisms\\ (複合有機生命体) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2395_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2395_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Proteins\\ (タンパク質) | Fertilizer, Livestock, Genetically Enhanced Livestock |  | +
-|  ○  |  ○  |  |  ○  |  |  ○  |  ○  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2267_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2267_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Base Metals\\ (ベースメタル) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2398_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2398_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Reactive Metals\\ (反応金属) | Construction Blocks, Mechanical Parts, Nanites, Nano-Factory, Water-Cooled CPU |  | +
-|  |  |  |  ○  |  |  |  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2307_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2307_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Felsic Magma\\ (珪長質マグマ) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/9828_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/9828_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Silicon\\ (シリコン) | Microfiber Shielding, Miniature Electronics, Silicate Glass |  | +
-|  |  |  ○  |  ○  |  |  ○  |  |  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2272_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2272_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Heavy Metals\\ (ヘビーメタル) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2400_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2400_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Toxic Metals\\ (毒性金属) | Construction Blocks, Consumer Electronics, Enriched Uranium |  | +
-|  ○  |  ○  |  ○  |  |  ○  |  |  ○  |  ○  | [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2268_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/2268_64.png?32&recache}}]] | Aqueous Liquids\\ (水性液体) ^ [[https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/3645_64.png|{{https://imageserver.eveonline.com/Type/3645_64.png?32&recache}}]] ^ Water\\ (水) | Coolant, Sterile Conduits, Super Conductors, Test Cultures, Water-Cooled CPU | コンバットブースター製造 | +
-^ 1個当たりの体積 |||||||| 0.01m3 || 0.38m3 ||  || +
-^ 1サイクル当たりの消費/生産量 |||||||| 3000個 || 20個 ||  ||+
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +My name is Alder Brenean. I am one of the aides to His Royal Highness, an Heir to the throne of the Amarr Empire, beloved charge and leader of his fiefdom, Aritcio Kor-Azor.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +I have not been doing this job for long and already it is a marvel beyond anything I had imagined. I do not sleep much. I eat at irregular hours. I hold conversations - brief, fleeting words, and of a servile nature, but still spoken out loud and answered - with men who operate at the highest level of government, and with men who operate only in the shadows.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +My lord has not always been loved. There was a time where he was considered merely a shrewd politician, fitter to rise than to rule. There was also a time where he had ruled so terribly, and done such awful things, that the people rose against him. A religious man intervened, a Speaker of Truths, and he saved my lord, but for such a price that I cannot speak of.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +When he returned to his duties he was a new man. He was also a kind man, one who thought very hard about the lives of his subjects and how to better them. He has been on that mission ever since: To improve the lives of the people who serve him and whom, he strongly emphasizes, he serves in turn.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +Part of that rejuvenation was to bring on a new group of people, ones who could help him rule his heirdom in the most humane, efficient way possible. I am one of his new recruits. I took my exams, and without divulging how I did on them, I can attest that I did not fail in my duties.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +When I was interviewed the lord asked me whether I was faithful. I said I was. He asked me whether I was faithful to the people, the ruler, or my lord God. I said that as far as I was concerned, these three were indistinguishable. He smiled, for the first time in our interview. A day later I was brought on.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +One of the ongoing missions begun by my lord is to travel around his kingdom, both to familiarize himself with his people - and them with him - and to ensure their lives meet the standards he has set for a Kor-Azor person. This applies equally to Holder and Commoner. It even extends to slaves, whom my lord believes are no less worthy, in their way, than the people they serve. In this he is assisted by a cadre of able people among whom I proudly count myself. I am trusted with secrets, and I believe my lord sees something in me that I may not see myself, for he routinely has me on hand in meetings of a most delicate nature. He does not ask my opinion, but he does enquire of my analysis on certain court matters. I suspect he may find my perspective of some use, unfettered as it is by actual experience with political intrigue.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +Our agents had determined that the subjects on a particular planet in my lord's kingdom were ... not fomenting rebellion or anything of that sort, but certainly murmuring in increasing unrest. This had not, our agents stressed, been reported nor acknowledged in any official capacity, and thus my lord would have to be careful of political repercussions if he were to present himself as a peacemaker.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +The main problem with this planet, they explained - and one of the factors in the unrest of its people - was the political machinations inherent in its rule. The people were governed by several lords - Holders all, of course - each of whom in turn owed their allegiance to a continental overseer. Those overlords served under a planetary representative, who in turn filed regular reports directly to my lord and master. We noted that in his recent reports there had been no mention of any trouble.
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +This setup of governance was not the typical one in our Empire, and had been put in place long before my lord's ascension to heirdom. Not only was it tied down with strings that would prove costly to cut, but the planet's economy was so enmeshed in labyrinthine pacts by the ruling body that were my lord to intervene in a lawful and justifiable way, it would be a long time before we could even hope to wrest control of the planet over to us. This struck me as a strange state of affairs, but my lord explained that it was in fact a common one, and that the Heirs, even with their ecclesial authority, did not have as much secular power as they liked to pretend. He added that despite this state of affairs and our agents' reports of planetary issues, we should not necessarily assume that there would be trouble. Many of the most highly complex, politically sensitive problems of our age could be solved with a simple, elegant solution that more often than not did not tackle the problem head-on, but instead caused it to cease to exist. All one needed to do was find the right angle, and to act decisively, with the solution clear in one's mind. Never waver, he said, once you know what you need to do, and never lose heart.
  • draft4.txt
  • 最終更新: 2021/12/18 20:10
  • by